Care Instructions

Congratulations on your purchase of an Aerial Hammock!

Proper care and maintenance will ensure its longevity and
your safety during use. Please follow these guidelines for washing and maintaining your aerial silk equipment.

1. Inspection before Every Use

Before every use, it's crucial to inspect your aerial equipment thoroughly for any signs of wear, tear, or damage. This pre-use inspection is a vital safety measure.

2. Washing Instructions

  • Frequency of washing: We recommend washing your aerial fabric once a month for regular use. If you're using the fabric more frequently, especially more than three times a week, consider washing it more often to maintain cleanliness.

  • Machine Wash: You can conveniently wash your aerial silks in a standard-size washing machine.

  • Water Temperature and Detergent: Use cold water and a mild detergent for the wash. Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals, as they might damage the fabric.

  • Washing Process: Spread the weight of the silk evenly in your machine to ensure an even and thorough wash. Select the delicate wash setting for a gentle cleaning process.

3. Post-Wash Care

Drying: Once the was cycle is completed, remove your silk promptly. Detangle the fabric in an area that is free of dust, dirt, pet dander, and pet hair. Ensure that the fabric is properly detangled to prevent any knots or entanglements during storage or subsequent use

Additional Tips and Warnings

Machine Type: The fabric can be washed in both top-load and front-load machines for your convenience.

Regular Maintenance: Apart from washing, it's advisable to regularly inspect and maintain your aerial silk to ensure its integrity and safety.